The Ultimate Resource Hub

Start Your Very Own
Senior Support Business

Everything you need to plan, launch, and grow with our comprehensive BizKits. From templates to step-by-step guides, we have you covered.


An AI-assisted* resource hub of everything you need to help you plan out how to profitably wrap your passion up with skills to provide senior support services.

Dedicated Private Podcast

So you prefer to listen to content while you plan out your dream enterprise? Great! Subscribe for a walk-through of the steps to your success.

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Start casting your vision today, with this freebie. Dream it. Set your goals. Foresee yourself 3 years from now. Take action! cool

Who Am I, & What Qualifies Me To Be Here?

Hi, I’m YahRoma, and in addition to being obsessed with problem-solving, ideation, and planning, senior support is probably in my blood.

I can still remember visiting older people and offering them companionship – with Mum, when I was a child. This was a weekly routine for us. She’s in heaven now; I do this in honour of her!

Today, I have…
* Over 15 years experience in senior care services, in
* Grant/bid writing;
* Respite & domiciliary support,
* Activities & transportation planning & coordination;
* Senior projects design & development; and have
* Fund-raised nearly a quarter of a million pounds for senior projects over the years.


Build Something
Meaningful, Impactful, & Profitable That’s All Your Own?

Isn’t It Time You Gave YOU a Chance to Shine?

Dream Testimonials

The dedicated YouTube channel provided me with a valuable resource to point people to for quick insights and tips, saving both them and me, time.

Michelle Browne
Senior Care Advisor

This BizKit has been a game-changer for my senior services business dreams. The planners and templates are saving me countless hours.

John Dove
Senior Nurse

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Who is this for?

You Are the Perfect Candidate If

(among other things)…


  • You have Physical and Emotional Resilience: Ability to handle the demands and emotional challenges of working closely with seniors.
  • You are Detail-Oriented:
    Careful attention to detail, ensuring services are personalized and tasks are completed accurately.
  • You Whole-heartedly Love People:
    Can you & will you treat potentially vulnerable people the way you would like to be treated if the tables were turned? If you answer ‘No’, you’re on the wrong website. undecided

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Free Starter Kit


These three gifts will help you streamline your business dream – moving you toward ACTION!

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